Fairview Ford San Bernardino 34.104675,
Hello, CarNow has entered into a partnership with Fairview Ford (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.fairviewfordinc.com/__;!!KxydHg!VKNYNpQqect_T2C77MrhVAnk0TplrJFkqDgii6y-dmyA6AZ4oqyUoOYPQw4cGNLXpSaqfMcaQqyA6RNNUekzXeXRItiW$ ). Our point of contact(s) are CC'd on for "approval" requirment. Be advised - our code will not overwrite existing code. It will also not populate until activated in our backend.
Step 1: Install CarNow Plugin. It is to be placed on BOTH the dealer's desktop and mobile sites: